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Great Commission Ministries exist to facilitate throughout the North Carolina Conference personal evangelism, church planting, church revitalization, and support for IPHC World Missions.


Rev. Dr. Jim Wall
Great Commission Ministries Director

Administrative Assistant
Email: evangelism@nciphc.com

A Days Wage

To order A Days Wage items, please contact Mrs. Andrea Garro
@ 910-980-1162 or email agarro@nciphc.com

Mission: M25 

Mission M:25 exists to network those who reach out to the Matthew 25 people groups. From biker ministries, to feeding the homeless, to visiting those in the hospital, we invite all those who minister to the helpless, hopeless, and hurting to make a connection through Mission: M25.

Mission M25 provides identity and connectivity for those ministers and ministries of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church that are involved in outreach to the M25 people. Non – IPHC ministers and ministries are welcome to become a part of this effort.

Find out more here.