Great Commission Ministries

Great Commission Meals are coming!
See the links below for more information
Stars Awards Orientation
Great Commission Ministries exists to ensure the mission that Jesus gave us in Matthew 28:19, “Go Make Disciples…” is fulfilled. We’re organized around the strategy that Jesus gave us in Acts 1:8, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the Ends of the Earth.”
For us, Jerusalem represents caring for the existing churches in Eastern North Carolina. Judea represents church planting. Samaria is all about going into the highways and hedges to touch lives who are far from God and His church. Ends of the Earth is all about international ministries we often call missions. Each area has a task force committed to honoring Jesus’ call in their area.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
“...and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Great Commission Ministries Staff
Rev. Dr. Jim Wall
Great Commission Ministries Director
Can’t find what you need?
Meet our Task Force Leaders
Rev. Adam Johnson
Pastor Adam Johnson, alongside his wife Morgan and their two children, Zeke and Elina, are leading a Turnaround Movement in their local church, community, and region. A graduate of Campbell University, Adam has made it his mission and purpose to help people know Jesus, find community, and experience purpose across Eastern North Carolina and around the globe. As a leader of the next generation, he is passionate about raising up strong godly men and women to influence the world with the powerful story of Jesus.
Rev. Phillip Bland
Phillip Bland is a graduate of Emmanuel and Holmes Bible College. He has pastored in the IPHC for over 40 years. He is currently pastoring Bizzell Grove PHC, where he has served for the last 11 years. Phillip has also been involved with the prolife movement since the early 1990s and is currently the chairman of the Royal Home Advisory Committee. In addition, Phillip has served as a chaplain for the NC State Highway Patrol for the last 15 years. Currently, Phillip is serving as Conference point man for Chaplains of Hope Ministries, which he sees as a great ministry tool for the local church.
Rev. Bonnie Clowers
Rev. Bonnie Clowers served over 25 years on the mission field throughout Latin America and the Caribbean along with her husband, Darrell, and children. Bonnie currently serves as a Chaplain for several local companies.
Get Involved
Every great leader occasionally needs an objective voice to come alongside and help assess the health of the church, build unity and develop strategic plans for the future. If you would benefit from that kind of help, contact us at 910.980.1162. A trained, NC Conference consultant is standing ready to help you.
Every minister knows that the loneliness of leadership is real. What if there were other fellow ministers who would love to partner with you, build friendships, share best practices and remind you that you are not alone? The good news is, there are!
More details on coaching coming soon. -
12,000 churches are closing in the USA every year and only 1,000 new ones are being planted. If you feel called to explore the possibility of being a church planter, the IPHC can help! The training, coaching and funding are available. The shortage is planters! Pray to the Lord of the Harvest.
Click here for more information. -
It’s time to take the Good News of the Gospel to the streets where the people are! Chaplains of Hope are Demonstrators of Love and Distributors of Hope in world desperate for both. This initiative of M-25 is for everyone who is willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Contact Pastor Phillip Bland at 910.358.3400 for more information.
Other Ministries
Meet Our Missionaries
Abigail Bishop
For as long as she can remember, Abigail has sensed the Lord’s call to global missions, specifically ministering to the next generation. Through volunteering in her local church’s children’s church, working with Falcon Children’s Home in North Carolina, and participating in a two-month internship in Japan, along with other diverse opportunities, she has been trained and equipped for effective children's ministry. Abigail’s love for Jesus and passion for the lost will be a driving force as she carries out the Great Commission.
Albert and Jiep Gonzales
Albert and Jiep have served with WMM as missionaries to Thailand, one of the unreached nations in the world, since 2001. In partnership with their faithful supporters and closely working with the national director and leaders of IPHC Thailand, their ministry grows continuously. They are involved in pastoring a church, evangelism, discipleship, church planting, establishing Bible schools, and People to People Ministries. Please pray for protection, guidance, harvest of souls to be saved, and continuous ministry expansion.
Althea Meyer
Althea is the children’s ministry coordinator for Southern Africa. She works under the leadership of Regional Director Rev. Joe Delport and is available as a consultant and trainer to all conferences and churches who desire to develop effective children’s ministries with a strong outreach and discipleship program. She also focuses on mobilizing saved children to pray for world evangelization and to be great commissioners. Althea desires to concentrate on developing self-reading kids' booklets in Chichewa about biblical doctrine and practical Christianity.
Danny and Judith Williams
Danny and Judith are fulfilling the call of God to the nations. They minister primarily in India and Nepal. Danny serves as National Director for Nepal, and their priority in both countries is to train pastors and church leaders to make disciples, strengthen churches, and plant new churches. Danny and Judith deeply value the work of networking with many pastors to work together for the good of Nepal and India. They are grateful at how the work is continually growing in both locations.
Jamie and Jessica Dunning
The Dunnings serve as the coordinators for People to People Ministries in Kenya and Ethiopia. Their vision is to equip churches, schools, and orphanages to fulfill their purpose, using sustainable development and income-generating projects. Their desire is to empower individuals to provide a better future for themselves and their families through a micro-finance loan program. It is their joy to engage Kenyan churches and communities through teaching, worship, and sharing the love of Christ.
Janene Wooten
Janene, raised as a missionary kid in Kenya to parents, Ron and Sharon Wooten, has carried a personal call to be used by God in reaching the world with the gospel and love of Jesus Christ. she is currently taking her gifts, passion, and experience to Wales, where she will join forces with IPHC missionaries and serve in youth ministry, women’s ministry, assist with establishing a coffee house, and assist with new church plants and outreaches.
Lin and Nancy Berry
Linwood is the regional director for the Mediterranean Region, serves as superintendent of the Spain Conference, and directs the CReA Network Arts and Culture Center. Nancy is the director of the INCAM ESPAÑA and serves as the WIN director for Europe and the Middle East. They are heavily involved in church planting and evangelism. Pray for the Berrys as they mentor European nationals in church planting projects throughout the region. Pray for European churches to catch a vision of the harvest and make a sacrificial commitment to reach their own nations for Christ.
Melanie Ross
Melanie Ross has recently answered the call to shift her ministry focus. While visiting various countries over the years, it has become evident that a need for training in special education is profound. Melanie holds both undergraduate and master's degrees in special education, and she desires to share her knowledge and training experience with the nations. This will provide an avenue for those who are in need of special education opportunities around the world to experience Christ in a fresh and clear way. She will be connecting with national leaders to expand their ministries to include those with disabilities.
Ron and Phyllis Roy
Ron and Phyllis have been involved in ministry and church planting for 34 years, working in México as missionaries for over 25 years. As missionaries, their focus has been on church planting and ministerial training. They have four children and three grandchildren. Ron is the regional director of México, Belize, and Guatemala, overseeing missionaries, four conferences, Bible schools, Schools of Ministry, and church planting. Phyllis is Ron’s faithful helpmate, filling the administrative gap. Their motto: Reach the Unreached, Tell the Untold, Love the Unloved.
Ron and Sharon Wooten
Ron and Sharon have served with WMM and lived in Kenya for over 20 years. Ron serves as the regional director for Eastern/Sub-Saharan Africa. Sharon serves the region as the director of Women’s Ministries. Ron and Sharon are also the senior pastors of Calvary Worship Centre IPHC. It is an International church with five services in four different languages and reaches almost 20 different nationalities.
Doug and Anne Bartlett Missions Home
The NC Conference special project for 2024 is the construction of a new duplex to provide housing for our missionaries when home for a season. It is also designed to honor the legacy of our former Missions Director and Bishop Doug Bartlett. Click the button to give toward the “Doug and Anne Bartlett Missions Duplex.”